Monday, May 10, 2010

Just Another Day at the Diamond M Ranch Resort (Baby Llama's and Step Mama's)

I was sitting at the computer in the Main Office, typing away, when what do you think walked in?  A newborn llama, that's who.  It's mother didn't make it through the birth, a uterine artery sliced in such a way that there was nothing that could be done to save her.  So, now, the Ranch owners are mothering a little male llama who, might I add, is unbelievably cute.  He padded around the wood floor of the Ranch Office while we were step-mothering him, taking a few moments here and there to perform sprightly little kicks and twists, and then drank his bottle with gusto.

  Here I am, with the llama and a young man who was in the Office as well.  Let me just say that it may be many things, here at the Diamond M Ranch Resort, but the one thing that can never be said is that it's boring. 

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